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Jun means pure.

Monday, 12 July 2010

8-Monroe chest X-rays fetch $45,000

The apparently endless market for images of Marilyn Monroe now extends to inside the bombshell's body. A set of three Monroe chest X-rays from a 1954 hospital visit sold June 27 for $45,000 (¥4 million) at the Hollywood Legends auction at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. Julien's Auctions, which sold the Monroe X-rays, had estimated before the sale that they would only fetch a total of around $3,000 (¥260,000). Other Monroe-abilia that sold included a chair from her last photo shoot that went for $35,000 (¥3 million). (AP)




7-Lawmakers' income hits record low

The average income of lawmakers hit a record low yen22.23 million in 2009, down yen2.6 million from the previous year, according to data released June 30 by the Diet. Cuts in benefits and the lack of major land and stock sales are believed to have caused the fall to a level unseen since both the House of Representatives and House of Councilors started releasing financial statements of lawmakers in 1993. (Kyodo News)


lawmakers:国会議員/diet:国会/benefits:手当/financial statements:資産や所得の報告書
