My Name

Hi! My name is Jun.
Jun means pure.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

7-Oswald's coffin up for auction

A ghoulish piece of American history is now up for sale to the highest bidder. The wooden coffin in which the man accused of assassinating John F. Kennedy was buried for 18 years is being auctioned off by Allen Baumgardner, owner of Baumgardner Funeral Home in Fort Worth, Texas. Baumgardner said he was selling the coffin, with the original embalming equipment and paperwork, because he felt it was time to do something with it. (AP)


ghoulish,おぞましい/ bidder,入札者


6-Updated Kanji list totals 2,136

The government Nov. 30 updated the list of kanji designated for everyday use for the first time in 29 years, deleting five and adding 196, including difficult-to-write characters that have become easier to use with computers. The new total is 2,136.

In the postwar period, the list was first compiled in 1946, when 1,850 kanji were approved for common use. It was revised in 1981 to 1,945 characters.
In line with the new list announced by the Cabinet Office, the Justice Ministry revised a ministerial order to reflect the changes in its list of kanji that can be used for people's names. Government documents will be written using the new lists. (Kyodo News)


kanji designated for everyday use,常用漢字/ deleting,~を削除して/ In the postwar period,戦後に/ compiled,まとめられた/  was revised,改定された/ In line with,~に合わせて/ Cabinet Office,内閣府/ Justice Ministry,法務省/ ministerial order,省令
