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Hi! My name is Jun.
Jun means pure.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

1-To Mars in my lifetime: Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama predicted April 15 his new space exploration plans would lead American astronauts to Mars and back in his lifetime, a bold forecast relying on rockets and propulsion still to be imagined and built. Obama spoke near the historic Kennedy Space Center launch pads that sent the first men to the moon, a blunt rejoinder to critics, including several former astronauts, who contend his planned changes will instead deal a staggering blow to the nation's manned space program. (AP)


exploration:探検/bold forecast:大胆な予測/propulsion:推進/launch pads:発射台/blunt rejoinder:ぶっきらぼうな返答/staggering blow:痛手

コメント:I do not know whether 2030 is alive,but please take me to Mars!

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